How does Hamilton Southeastern Schools use the funding received from the referendum?
This pie chart shows the Revenue Spending Plan filed with the Department of Local Government Finance. This Revenue Spending Plan is reviewed and filed yearly by the Hamilton Southeastern Schools (HSE) Board of Trustees, ensuring alignment with the purpose stated on the ballot. The ballot proposes the use of funds for academic and educationally related programs, maintaining class sizes, retaining and attracting teachers, supporting essential safety initiatives, and adjusting the previously approved maximum referendum tax rate from $0.2275 to $0.1995. The school is audited by the State Board of Accounts to ensure spending follows this revenue spending plan.
HSE Schools will not be able to maintain their current academic, co- and extra-curricular programs unless we “Vote YES” to continue the current funding. Without continued funding, HSE Schools risks losing critical staff positions, increasing class sizes and a reduction of student opportunities.
However, the majority of the funding – over three-quarters of it – will be used to manage class sizes and retain teachers and staff. The renewed referendum would retain 126 full-time teachers and support incentives, and provide competitive raises and benefits for almost 1,400 teachers, a critical segment in our school system.